Stagecoach Music Festival 2019 WOW!!!!

Best Music Festival Ever!!!  Alright I'll be honest - It is the only one I've ever been to.  I loved everything about it.  I went with two friends substantially younger than me.  I thought it was going to be an endurance contest for me.  I was so wrong.  I wasn't even a country music fan.  I am not even sure why I went.  But I'm so glad I did.  BEST TIME EVER!!!

Yes, it was hot.  Yes, it was dusty (everyone wears bandanas).  Yes, there was a ridiculous amount of walking.  But it was all great fun.  All the fans were great.

Sam Hunt - fantastic
Old Dominion - fantastic

The photographers were epic.  The screens were so large and the resolution was so clear you felt like you were a VIP.  Even though there were 80,000 people there you always felt like you could see exactly what was going on on stage.

Looking forward to next year already.  Highly recommend Stagecoach!!!


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