Hong Kong Disneyland - Hollywood Hotel - Such a Fun Adventure in Asia!!!

Such an adventure!!!  I have been lucky enough to grow up in Southern California close to Disneyland in Anaheim, so you can only imagine the excitement of heading to Hong Kong Disneyland.  Oh My Goodness!!!

We had so much fun.  Everyone was so delightful.  There were a lot of cast members that spoke English, so negotiating around was extremely easy.  The shows that we saw had the speaking parts in Chinese with English Subtitles to the side of the stage.  It was very easy to follow along.  I laughed when I realized all the songs were in English.  Very fun for us!!

Winnie the Pooh is always a fan favorite.  It was in my opinion a much better ride than the Anaheim Winnie the Pooh and I do love the Anaheim ride.

Mystic Manor and the little monkey Albert were adorable.  The ride was enchanting.  One of our other favorite rides was Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars.  Oh My Goodness!!!  I'm not going to give it away, but it was our favorite ride.

This photo was in Hong Kong Disneyland's walk through Fairy Tale Forest.  It is somewhat similar to Anaheim's Storybook canal ride, but you get to walk through at your own pace.  I loved it.

Great experience!!  Hong Kong was Fantastic!!  If you ever are lucky enough to go, do it - it's wonderful.


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